Thank you to our Box Seat holders. Your continued support and enthusiasm is so much of what make the GCHS a top-notch experience!
2024 General Box Seat Information
Box seats are offered to returning box seat holders first. If you received an email or letter regarding your box seats, you have the first option to reserve the same box you held last year for $300 per box.
If we don’t have commitments or payment from our returning box seat holders by the deadline, your box will be considered open and available for someone else. We have a long waiting list of fans who want to experience the show!
You will have the option to pay online for your box once it has been confirmed by the box seat committee. To pay with a credit card, click here. Please fill out all the information so we can keep track of the box seats and enter the amount of $300 for the donation. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Beth Dudley (amybethdudley@yahoo.com).
Thank you for being a Box Seat holder and supporting this time-honored tradition at the Germantown Charity Horse Show!
2024 Box Seat Decorating Contest
Our annual Box Seat Decorating Contest will be held Friday evening, June 7, with judging starting directly after the Opening Ceremony for the Breed Show. Our judges can’t wait to see your creative ideas, and prizes will be awarded for each category.
This year’s categories will be:
Most Creative
Most Traditional/Historical
Most Entertaining
Thank you for being a Box Seat holder and supporting this time-honored tradition at the Germantown Charity Horse Show!
Thank you again for your support of the Germantown Charity Horse Show!