

A trophy and ribbons 1st – 8th will be awarded in classes unless otherwise specified. Prize money will not be paid without a current Social Security #.  Refunds, if owed, will be mailed promptly. Any prize money owed will be mailed within 30 days following the show.

The Germantown Charity Horse Show Association volunteers, officers and management assume no liability for any errors that might appear in this publication.  Great care has been taken to provide accuracy in this document and compliance to USEF rules and regulations.

Breeds Prize Money

Purse1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8thEntry Fee
*ALL CLASSES THAT ARE ENTERED BEFORE 1:00 p.m. ON THE DAY THEY ARE SCHEDULED RECEIVE A DISCOUNT OF $10.00 PER CLASS. (Exception – morning classes should be entered by 4pm the day before)
** Paso Fino Classes
+ Gypsy Vanner Liberty Championship
^ Gypsy Vanner Halter Championship